Baked Vegetables & Herbs de Provence
Monday, December 17, 2007

I love fresh vegetables. Warm, fresh from the oven, they help take the winter chill off, and in the summer they make a great addition to a lite, satisfying meal. But I especially like them in the Fall with Thanksgiving dinner or served with Curried Tempeh and fresh fruit.
Tonight I decided to use some of the Herbs de Provence, that I picked up in the South of France, on some baked vegetables. Sure you can buy Herbs de Provence in a bottle at your grocery store spice rack, but there is nothing like the aromatic, full bodied flavor of fresh herbs added to your favorite dish.
You don't have to go to the South of France to get that tantalizing taste. You can make your own blend of Provence, France herbs right at home. Look below for my recipe for Herbs de Provence.
French Baked Vegetables are an easy way to use up all those hearty veggies you have left over in your fridge. I make them a little differently each time based on the veggies I have at hand.
Baked French Vegetables
* 2 Tbs olive oil
* 2-3 garlic cloves, minced
* 2 tsp. dried Herbs de Provence
* 1/2 tsp salt
* 1/4 tsp freshly ground black pepper
* 1 medium yam, peeled and cut into 1-inch chunks
* 1 zucchini thickly sliced, or other squash (banana, butternut or crook neck)
* 2 medium carrots, peeled and cut into 1-inch chunks
* 1 small parsnip, peeled and cut into 1-inch chunks
* 1/2 red onion, cut into wedges
* 1 small turnip, peeled and cut into 1-inch wedges
Preheat the oven to 400°. Lightly oil a heavy large rimmed baking sheet. Whisk the oil, garlic, Herbs de Provence, salt and pepper in a large bowl to blend. Add the chopped vegetables. Toss to coat. Arrange the vegetable mixture evenly over the prepared baking sheet. Roast for 45 minutes, stirring every 15 minutes, or until the vegetables are tender and beginning to brown. Transfer the roasted vegetables to a platter and serve.
Herbs de Provence
1 tablespoon thyme
1 teaspoon sage
1 tablespoon chervil
1 tablespoon rosemary
1 tablespoon summer savory
1 teaspoon lavender
1 teaspoon tarragon
1 teaspoon marjoram
1/2 teaspoon oregano
1/2 teaspoon mint
2 chopped bay leaves
Experiment with the proportions and find the flavor blend that suits your palate best. All herbs should be dried and coarsely crumbled. Mix well and store in airtight jar.
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Labels: Herbs de Provence, Holiday food, Side dish, Vegan, vegetables, Vegetarian
Vegan Dining in Venice Italy

Traveling in Europe can present difficulties for the traveling vegan. First there is the language barrier to contend with. And Second, most of Europe is not as enlightened about the vegan diet as are those in the US.
Tip: Each country is a little different than the rest regarding ordering and buying foods so I highly recommend reading up on the local culture and customs regarding ordering in restaurants and the availability of vegan foods before you leave home. Rick Steves travel books generally offer a section of dining out as well as information on local culture.
Although Italy is very tourist friendly you should understand that when dining out you will need to find items on the menu that are already vegan. In the US it is common for people to ask for substitutions or specific changes to a menu item, but in Italy asking for changes is considered rude.
I found this to be particularly true after my last trip to Europe where after a month of traveling around the Mediterranean we ended up in Venice. On our last day of the trip I ordered a pizza in a cafe that catered to locals. I asked the waiter if I could make a slight change from the menu. He looked at me as if I had just spit on him. Curtly he responded "It comes-a like on-a de menu." instantly I remembered where I was and apologized. Then I ordered something straight off the menu.
In Italy most of the smaller restaurants are family owned and run, and the family/employees take great pride in their product. They consider it an insult if you are not happy with their creations. Their Chef is an artist and his art should not be altered by the consumer.
Tip: Before booking your trip consider staying in alternative types of housing such as hostels and rooms with a hot plate and a small fridge. Accommodations with cooking options are very hard to find unless you are able to stay in a timeshare condo or in a hostel with community facilities.
In Venice we stayed at a hotel which had one room that included a hot plate and a small refrigerator. It was the only room on the 5th floor. The elevator only went to the 4th floor so we had to walk the last flight of stairs. It was spacious compared to most Venezian rooms and it had the quaint feel of Venice the way it may have been 400 years ago - but with a bathroom.
Purchasing fresh produce and herbs is easy in most Italian communities as the farmers market is a daily event. Venice has an early morning farmers market and fish market where the locals buy their daily foods. You can also buy produce from boat vendors throughout the day especially along the main canals.
Getting proper amounts of protein will require some ingenuity, but beans and grains are generally available in the small grocery stores. However, selection is limited compared to US grocery stores. You may decide to bring along some of your favorite spices and easily transported food items to get you by. Bring along a travel-friendly place setting as well if you are planning to prepare any of your own food.
Here are a few places in Venice which offer Vegetarian and/or Vegan food.

Trattoria Da Silvio is an Itilian style cafe that offers Vegan and Vegetarian items. they do take credit cards and they are also willing to make substitutions.
For vegan gelato visit Il Doge Gelateria at Dorsoduro, 3058/a Campo Di S. Margherita, at the south end of the street.
Labels: dining, Europe, hostel, Italy, travel, Vegan, Venice