Unfortunate Enchilada Endeavor
Wednesday, March 12, 2008

When I was a meat eater one of my favorite meals was enchiladas. I loved the ground beef and onions cooked in taco seasoning and then rolled in an enchilada sauce covered tortilla, with cheese, onions and olives, and baked in the oven until the cheese melted. So last night I decided to use my old recipe using TVP, (Textured Vegetable Protein) and soy cheese. In theory it should have been great - but it wasn't. I'm not sure what went wrong.
It turned out spicier than usual but somehow sweet. It wasn't as salty as I remembered and without the fat of beef and dairy cheese it just didn't taste the same. My husband ate it and said it was alright, But I don't think I'll make it again.
I have found some recipes using tofu but because I'm trying to veganize my husband I wasn't sure he would appreciate the end product. So I'm asking for some help here. If you have a great enchilada recipe that is man friendly post it in my comments and I'll make it and blog about it.
Here is what I did with this recipe.
1 cup TVP soaked in 1 1/2 cup water.
1 onion chopped
1 can sliced olives
4 large wheat tortillas
1/2 cup soy cheese
1 can enchilada sauce
taco seasoning
Put the TVP and taco seasoning in a pan and stir it until the moisture evaporates. Pour about 2/3 cup enchilada sauce into a greased baking pan. cover both sides of each tortilla with enchilada sauce. Place about 1/3 cup TVP mixture, some cheese, onions and olives into each tortilla and roll. Top with extra sauce, cheese and olives and bake at 350 degrees for about 20 minutes. Serve warm.
Please rescue me with your favorite enchilada recipe.
Labels: enchilada, Mexican, TVP, Vegan, Vegetarian